& First Nations Community

Design / Engineering
Training / Curriculum
Collaboration and Inclusivity is the key to a successful long-term deployment of networks for generations. Listening to the needs of the people and community to understand the requirements of the land and the impact of a network deployed in the earth and in the air.
Understanding how this new technology can transform a community and bring about social and economical growth and “bridge the digital divide”. Bringing the first nations and rural communities closer than ever to the metropolitan areas and supporting ecommerce, regional growth and expansion.
The ability to share the knowledge, improve and expand schooling, healthcare, cultural beliefs and break down the boundaries that have existed for decades. A well built purposeful next generation network can be the life blood for a community and a path forward.
We want to help bring people and cultures together with our experienced team and willingness to evolve, learn and adapt to the needs of the people, land, and environment as a collective. Let us be the incubator of ideas, concepts, dreams, to create “true” connectivity.